Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Update 2 Announced

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update 2 is here. Capcom posted a video reveal on YouTube. They took Twitter to announce the release of Title Update 2 in late September. 

Flaming Espinas will be the first new monster to come in the main series. Monster Hunter is putting the sun in the Sunbreak with this fire monster. 

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Update trailer review 

The new trailer is a brief face-off between Flaming Espinas and Teostra. Espinas is a fire monster, the name indicates. “Flaming” means (obviously) burning, and “Espinas” is Spines or Thorns in Spanish. 

Flaming Espinas is a subspecies of Espinas, a flying wyvern with brown carapace and red spines. 

Espinas looks spectacularly glorious in the trailer. Here we can give the due credit to Capcom for introducing Espinas in such a luxurious way. The opening location is Fallon Arena, where Espinas descends into a fighting sequence with another monster. The other monster featured in the trailer is Teostra. For those who don’t know, he is an Elder Dragon with leonine features. He’s the god of monsters, arguably. 

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The face-off is magnificent. The battle is the best way to introduce a monster representing the Frontier. We know how humongous Teostra is–and the trailer is nicely put. It demands attention from the viewers. It showcases how Espinas fights (and we are not even talking about how stunning his flames are) and that he’s fierce and a proper threat. And we love that the trailer shows Espinas with Teostra–who is the best at his job. It shows that we have to take Espinas seriously. 

Check official Trailer:

What’s upcoming in Title Update 2? 

Rumour mongers say we might get Mizutsune as the next monster as we can see the blurred picture of the next dragon and Monster Hunter fanatics using their brains to their maximum capacity. 

Fans are happy with the trailer. Now we are just hoping Mizu will not be a fire monster. The possibilities of Mizu being a fire monster are higher than your problems getting solved this year. 

What's upcoming in Title Update 2? 
Photo Credits:

We have enough fire monsters already. We need an ice or water monster to strike a balance. However, did you notice that the subspecies from the Free Title Update 2 are gone? When Capcom revealed the first two monsters in Free Titles Update 1, we saw that Fall Update has subspecies, powered-up, and rare species monsters. 

But–now the latest Free Update 2 spills some beans about the upcoming monsters, and we don’t have subspecies anymore. 

We can assume that the only subspecies monster was Espinas because what’s the point of mentioning subspecies monsters when they already revealed the only one? Anyhow, if we presume that the next monster could also be an Espinas–or particularly White Espinas, a rare species monster, it wouldn’t be surprising. 

A brief overview of Title Updates 

Monster Hunter Sunbreak’s Free First Title update had these challenging monsters: 

  • Seething Bazelgeuse
  • Silver Rathalos
  • Gold Rathian 
  • Lucent Nargacuga. 

Just kidding, only Lucent Nargacuga was the most challenging one (and, tbh, the best one to play with.) Bazel was more challenging for some players because he spreads explosives in the places you least expect them. 

Title Update 2 reveals Flaming Espinas at the moment, and we expect Capcom shall disclose the other monsters before the official Update launch. Fans are anticipating rare species and powered-up monsters in this Title Update 2. 

Title Update 3 will launch in the winter. For now, fans are anxiously waiting for Title Update 2. Fire monsters are cool, but we hope the next reveal will have a water or ice monster. 

Whatever it is, we know one thing Monster Hunter: Sunbreak will be more fun to play with Flaming Espinas. Hopefully, we’ll get them while they are resting in solitude. 

Areeba Fasihi
Areeba Fasihi
A content writer, marketing and advertising freak, and a creativity-lover. She loves to read books, watch awesome movies, and she is a die-hard fan of Benedict Cumberbatch! In free times, you'll find her playing board games with her family and friends...

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