Lament Exotic Sword in Destiny 2: Step-by-Step Guide to Acquire

Lament Exotic Sword is one of the most modern weapons in Destiny 2, as many players look forward to acquiring it. The Sword has unique abilities, such as attacking with its powerful chainsaw blade and solid defensive attributes. These traits make it the best weapon to have in the game. Acquiring the Exotic Sword is an arduous task; however, all the effort done to get your hands on it is worthwhile.

There are a few requirements that players have to fulfill to be eligible to get the Lament Exotic Sword. The requirements are having access to the Beyond Light expansion, the originating place of the Sword. Players also have to reach Power Level 1310 before getting their hands on the weapon. After meeting the requirements, the players begin their journey to acquiring the Lament Exotic sword.

The Presage Mission: Lament Exotic Sword

The Presage mission in Destiny 2 is a solo activity in the Mausoleum on Europa. Its introduction began in the Beyond Light expansion and required players to complete to acquire the Lament Exotic Sword. Players must talk to the Exo Stranger in the Beyond to access the Presage Mission. The mission is known for its challenging gameplay and rewarding loot, including the chance to obtain Lament fragments used to upgrade the weapon.

Lament Exotic Sword in Destiny 2 Step-by-Step Guide to Acquire
Lament Exotic Sword in Destiny 2 Step-by-Step Guide to Acquire

Lament Exotic Sword Fragments

After completing the Presage Mission, players have to start collecting Lament Fragments. These fragments can be found randomly during the game as they drop during battles. The players need 35 Lament Fragments to upgrade their Lament to the next level. As you play the game for longer, your chances of earning Laments increase.

After collecting 35 Lament fragments, players can fully upgrade their laments to the maximum level, which turns the Lament into complete form. The next step is to get a hold of the Lament Exotic Sword. Players can do this step by visiting the Banshee-44 in the Tower. Here you can exchange your Lament Fragments for the Lament Sword.

Combat with the Lament Exotic Sword

After acquiring the Sword, players have to learn how to use it. The Lament Exotic Sword has unique abilities, so experts suggest that players spend time learning and mastering their control over the Sword to use it to their advantage in battles. The LE Sword can rev up its chainsaw-like blade, damaging your opponents. This ability activates by holding the trigger down while equipping the Lament Exotic Sword.

After getting familiar with the Lament Exotic Sword’s mechanics and ability, it is time to take your weapon out to battle enemies in Destiny 2. The unique power, the chainsaw rev up, can provide fatal blows to your enemies, eliminating entire groups at once. It helps take out large groups of enemies quickly and efficiently strikes powerful bosses.

Players can customize various variants and builds to make the most of the Lament Exotic Sword. The Sword’s multiple gears, perks, and abilities make it a versatile weapon that can be fruitful in attack and defense, depending on the players playing preference.

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Lament Exotic Sword: Rewards And Offers

Another way to acquire the Lament Exotic Sword is by joining a clan. Clan members can help you complete the Presage mission, and they may even have fragments that they can give you to help you upgrade your Lament. Strikes and raids are great ways to increase your chances of getting Lament fragments. The more you participate in these activities, the more details you’ll collect, so be sure to join in whenever you can.

Destiny 2 is a fun and challenging game. Acquiring the Lament Exotic Sword is necessary to excel at the game, as it is one of the most potent weapons. Get the Sword and assert your dominance in the Destiny 2 world.

Unsa Ahmed
Unsa Ahmed
I Unsa Ahmed, with a post-graduate English Literature degree and 4+ years of Experience in Content and Creative writing, have a passion to read and write on different topics. This has made me an embedded content creator and a blog writer who ensures the article is focused in terms of keywords and information.

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