Battlefield 2042 Season 3 is Coming With New Maps, Battle Pass, and More

November 22 will bring new maps, specialist Rasheed, battle pass, and more for Battlefield 2042 Season 3: Escalation, as confirmed by developer EA Dice. 

Battlefield 2042 launched its first season back in June. However, it did not receive a positive review from fans, who began a petition asking for refunds. The petition now has more than 230,000 signs! 

Fortunately, the new seasons are expected to fix the glitches and destructive features in Battlefield 2042. The upcoming season, Season 3, is expected to bring significant changes, including new maps, battle pass, and much more! You can read up all about Battlefield 2042 Season 3 below. 

Battlefield 2042 Season 3 New Maps

Battlefield 2042 will feature a new map, Spearhead, which will put players in an exciting location, the Swedish wilderness. They will fight in and around two high-tech weapon-making factories. 

Spearhead is a Close-Quarter Combat-focused map with gorgeous terrain. 

Battlefield 2042 Season 3 New Maps
Battlefield 2042 Season 3 New Maps

Additionally, two maps have also been reworked. The first one, Manifest, will launch in  December. On the other hand, the second map, Breakaway, will launch its reworked version in January. 

Battlefield 2042 Season 3 Battle Pass and New Specialist 

Season 3 will launch a refreshed 100-tier Battle Pass. It will include a new specialist, Rasheed Zain, as a free unlockable.

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Rasheed is an Egyptian security expert equipped with the XM370A airburst launcher. This weapon forces enemies to come out of their cover while giving the person using it the fastest health recharge. 

Battlefield 2042 Season 3 Battle Pass and New Specialist 
Battlefield 2042 Season 3 Battle Pass and New Specialist

Battlefield 2042 Season 3 New Weapons

Here is a list of new weapons that will appear in Season 3. 

  • Rorsch MK-4 Railgun
  • Throwing Knives 
  • NVK-S22 Smart Shotgun
  • NVK-P125 Bullpup Pistol

Moreover, the game developers are also adding a new vehicle called the EMKV90-TOR Tank. Players will be able to switch it into different modes based on their situations.

Battlefield 2042 Season 3 New Weapons
Battlefield 2042 Season 3 New Weapons

Furthermore, Season 3 will feature new assignments to make things even more exciting. Completing them will help unlock Vault weapons for use in All Out Warfare.

Upcoming New Specialist Rework

Season 3 will feature some new specialist rework, as announced by DICE. The rework will launch sometime during the third season. 

The rework will feature the return of the classic Battlefield Class system. 

However, the complete changes in the rework won’t launch until Season 4.

Upcoming New Specialist Rework
Upcoming New Specialist Rework

Fortunately, we have some exciting details on the upcoming changes in the rework! The  Irish will move to a Support class. They will take Crawford’s trait. 

As for Crawford, they will change to Engineer and receive a new trait based on the switch. However, this trait is unknown at the moment. 

Haram Aslam
Haram Aslam
Haram Aslam is a medical student with a passion for playing and writing about Games. Apart from games, she likes Netflix-ing and chilling, she loves reading books and shopping.

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