The Sims 4 – All Cheats to Unlock Money, Skills and Life

Whether it is bringing a dead Sim to life or getting an instant promotion, The Sims 4 Cheats will help you solve all your problems! You no longer need to worry about trivial concerns like low stats and money limitations using our cheats. Thus, you can solely focus on enjoying the game and fulfilling all your wishes without any restrictions. So how do you enable The Sims 4 Cheats? Are there cheats for building and romance? Keep on reading to find out everything there is to know about The Sims 4 Cheats, 

How to Enable The Sims 4 Cheats?

You must activate The Sims 4 cheats before entering the codes and enjoying full control over your game. Here’s how to turn them on for different consoles. 

How to Enable The Sims 4 Cheats?
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  • Sims 4 Cheats for PC- Press Ctrl and Shift together. Then, press c. 
  • Sims 4 Cheats for Mac- Press Command, Shift, and C. 
  • Sims 4 Cheats for PS4- Press all of the four shoulder buttons simultaneously. 
  • Sims 4 Cheats for Xbox One- Press all four shoulder buttons simultaneously. 

After pressing these buttons, a box will pop up on your screen’s top right corner. Enter the cheat codes in this box to activate them. 

The Sims 4 Shift – Click Cheats 

You can shift-click your Sims and get access to some extra cheats through this method. Simply enter “testingCheats [true/false]” into the text box. This will activate testingCheats, and you will get additional cheat options. 

You can fulfill the needs of your Sims, clean up dirty objects, move your Sims between families and teleport them to your desired locations after the activation of testingcheats. 

The Sims 4 Shift - Click Cheats 
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If you want to improve your Sims mood, shift-click on them by pressing X+O on PS4 or A+B on XBO. Then, choose Cheat Need followed by Make Happy. This will instantly improve their mood. 

Additionally, you can lock your Sims’ current needs state. Select Cheat Need and Disable Need Decay to do this. 

You can also reset the status of a Sim by shift clicking on them, and choosing Reset Object. 

To teleport a Sim, shift-click on the ground and choose Teleport Sim. This will bring your Sim to your desired location. 

Choosing Reset Object after shift-clicking on the object will reset its status. You can also make the object dirty or clean by shift-clicking on them. 

Sims 4 Cheats for Money 

Enter the following cheat codes to get extra money in Sims 4. 

  • rosebud- This will give you 1000 simoleons.
  • katching- This will give you 1000 simoleons. 
  • motherlode- Get 50,000 simoleons by using this cheat code.
  • Money X- X can be any number here. This will set an exact amount of simoleons for your household. 
  • FreeRealEstate On- This will make all the neighbourhood lots free. 
  • FreeRealEstate Off- This will return everything to its original price. 
  • household.autopay_bills true – This will turn off all your household bills. 
  • household.autopay_bills false- This will turn on the household bills. 

Sims 4 Cheats for Needs and Skills 

Here are all the cheats for altering your Sims’ needs and skills. 

Sims 4 Cheats for Needs and Skills
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  • fillmotive motive_hunger- This fills a specific motive. 
  • fillmotive motive_energy -This fills a specific motive. 
  • fillmotive motive_hygiene-This fills a specific motive. 
  • fillmotive motive_social – This fills a specific motive. 
  • fillmotive motive_bladder- This fills a specific motive. 
  • sims.fill_all_commodities- This fills all the motives. 
  • fillmotive motive_fun- This fills a specific motive. 
  • sims.give_satisfaction_points X- You can replace X with any number. This will increase your Sims’ satisfaction points.
  • aspirations.complete_current_milestone- This will complete the aspiration goal of your Sim. 
  • stats.set_skill_level [Skill Name] X – X can be any number between 1 and 10. This will increase the skill level of your Sim. You can replace [Skill Name] with one of the following skills. 
  • Major_Charisma 
  • Major_Bartending 
  • Major_Comedy Skill_Fitness
  • Major_GourmetCooking 
  • Major_Fishing 
  • Major_Gardening 
  • Major_HomestyleCooking 
  • Major_Guitar 
  • Major_Handiness 
  • Major_Writing 
  • Major_Painting
  • Major_VideoGaming 
  • Major_RocketScience 
  • Major_Piano
  • Major_Photography
  • Major_Programming
  • Major_Violin
  • Major_Logic
  • Major_Mischief
  • death. toggle true – This cheat makes your sim immortal.
  • death. toggle false- Sims become mortal again.
  • sims.add_buff Ghostly – This turns your Sim into a ghost. This effect lasts for four in-game hours. 

Sims 4 Cheats for Friendship and Romance 

The following cheats are used for friendship and romance. 

  • relationships.create_friends_for_sim – Use this for creating a new Sim. It will already be friends with your Sim. 
  • relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others – Become introduced to all your neighbors using this cheat. 
  • modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] X LTR_Friendship_Main – X can be any positive or negative number. It will increase or decrease the friendship level between the Sims whose names are mentioned in the code. If you enter +100, it will increase friendship. Alternatively, -100 will decrease the friendship. 
  • modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] X LTR_Romance_Main – Use this cheat to change the romance level between two Sims whose names are mentioned. Replace X with 100 to increase romance. Alternatively, replace it with -100 to decrease romance. 

Sims 4 Cheats for World And UI 

Enter the codes mentioned below to enjoy some World and UI cheats. 

  • resetsim [SimFirstName] [SimLastName]- You can use this cheat to rename your Sim. 
  • headlineeffects on – Use this cheat for adding speech bubbles and plumbobs or any other headline effect. 
  • headlineeffects off – Turn the headline effects off using this cheat. 
  • hovereffects on – This will enable the hovering effect when you place your cursor above a Sim. 
  • hovereffects off -This will turn off hovering effects. 
  • fullscreenToggle- Use this cheat for switching the game between fullscreen and windowed mode. 
  • fps on- Use this for turning the FPS display on. 
  • fps off- Use this for turning the FPS display off. 

Cheats for Items 

The Sim 4 cheats for items are mentioned down below. 

  • bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement- Use this for unlocking special career items. However, this only applies to building mode. 
  • bb.showhiddenobjects – This will display the items that are hidden in the build/buy catalog. 
  • bb.enablefreebuild- You can build items in any desired location using this cheat. 
  • bb.moveobjects on – You can place the objects in any desired location. This also applies to locations that are banned by the grid. 

Cheats for Career 

You can easily get promoted using cheats. Put in careers. promote followed by the name of your desired career in the text box. This will automatically advance your Sim. 

Entering the code once will take you up a level. Thus, keep repeating it to get to your desired level of promotion. 

The cheat codes are mentioned down below. 

  • careers.promote Activist
  • careers.promote Athletic 
  • careers.promote Astronaut
  • careers.promote Business
  • careers.promote Conservationist 
  • careers.promote careers_Adult_CivilDesigner
  • careers.promote Criminal 
  • careers.promote careers_adult_Critic
  • careers.promote careers_Adult_Freelancer_Agency_Maker
  • careers.promote Culinary
  • careers.promote careers_Adult_Education
  • careers.promote Detective
  • careers.promote careers_Adult_Engineer
  • careers.promote Doctor 
  • careers.promote careers_Adult_Law
  • careers.promote Entertainer
  • careers.promote Adult_Gardener 
  • careers.promote adult_active_Scientist
  • careers.promote Military
  • careers.promote SocialMedia
  • careers.promote SecretAgent
  • careers.promote Painter 
  • careers.promote adult_Writer
  • careers.promote Influencer
  • careers.promote TechGuru 
  • careers.promote PartTime_Babysitter
  • careers.promote career_Volunteer_E-Sports
  • careers.promote PartTime_Lifeguard
  • careers.promote careers_Volunteer_SoccerTeam
  • careers.promote PartTime_Manual
  • careers.add_career {careername} – Your Sim will get an additional career using this cheat. 
  • careers.remove_career {careername} – Use this for quitting your career.
  • careers.retire {careername} – Use this for quitting and getting a weekly pension. 
Haram Aslam
Haram Aslam
Haram Aslam is a medical student with a passion for playing and writing about Games. Apart from games, she likes Netflix-ing and chilling, she loves reading books and shopping.

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